Air Conditioning Service & Repair in Alice Springs
Alice Springs extreme conditions can become very uncomfortable without a working air-conditioner in your car. At AutoSparky, we provide complete servicing and repairs for all automotive air-conditioners in the Alice Springs region.
We have the equipment and skills to diagnose any leaks or complex problems that can affect the operation of your air-conditioner. AutoSparky is an ARCTick accredited repairer, which ensures we adhere to all ARCTick procedures when removing refrigerant.
At AutoSparky, we provide comprehensive servicing and repairs for the air conditioning systems of cars, trucks and machinery of all makes. We also offer full cleaning and deodorising services for your air-conditioning system, and we can replace any damaged hoses.
If your air-conditioner is not operating efficiently, make a booking to have it assessed by our technicians.
Autosparky Service
AU NO: AU29960
Exp: 22/07/2024